full legal name jordan davies nicknames j, jord, davies birthdate / age 21 JULY 1990 (25) birthplace/residence los angeles, ca/huntington beach, ca orientation who cares? relationship status good luck occupation aquarium of the pacific education Bachelors in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology @ UCI misc. Father: Richard Davies PhD; Mother: Susan Davies Brother: OPEN (older) Brother: OPEN (younger) Sister: OPEN (younger)
  • Jordan was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. His father is a plastic surgeon, and his mother is a housewife. He has three siblings, to which he was born second. Growing up in Los Angeles, he was privledged and went to private school. Jordan was thrown right into the mix of famous, rich kids who could do anything they wanted without getting caught. And if they did get caught, their parents would make sure to pay off whomever they needed to so that they could keep their image. Jordan is used to hanging around celebrities and their families, to which, it doesn't phase him one bit. His parents are close friends to people within the entertainment industry, as they are patients of his father's.

  • Although Jordan grew up in all of the madness that is Hollywood, he secretly wanted another life for himself. One that was slower and further away from all of the glamour and lights. The move to Huntington Beach was an easy one, seeing as he had friends there and even some family. Living by the beach, albeit not far away from LA, felt like another world. Jordan's big dream in life was to work with aquatic animals and sealife, so he ended up getting a job as an educator at the Aquarium of the Pacific. He went to school at UCI for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology but currently not doing anything with the degree.

  • The choice to go to college made him estranged from a lot of his Hollywood friends. They judged him a bit for it and didn't see the point in him attending school when his life was already basically mapped out for him. This only made Jordan want to persue another life even more, because he knew that he didn't want to end up like that.

  • Jordan is a bit estranged from his parents, more so his dad than his mom, as they are two, completely different people. In his early twenties, rumors that Jordan was gay circulated their group of friends and it got back to his dad. Although his dad was very open to gay individuals, he did not take kindly to his son being gay. Of course, they were just rumors and when the two spoke about it, Jordan denied it and didn't understand why people were talking about him and his private life. That was the straw that broke the camels back to give Jordan a push to move away from his family. Doing so caused a lot of tension between everyone.

  • Sexuality, in Jordan's eyes, is seen as fluid. He doesn't think that there is one sex for anyone and that you can fall in love with whomever you want. However, he is extremely private when it comes to his sexuality and what he does in his own time and with who. He is extremely non-judgemental and very accepting of others.

  • Although he is out of the Hollywood scene, Jordan still tends to revert back to the person he was when he was growing up. He can tend to be spoiled and want the finer things in life. But there are, of course, different layers to him, and he is always trying to be a better person. He enjoys joking around, making sassy comments for a laugh, and being a normal dude.

  • Jordan lives alone with his mini Australian Shepherd named Jack

  • His personality consists of charm, wittiness, cockiness, independence, creativity, academically gifted, animal loving, a bit of a fighter moreso than a lover.

  • He enjoys all kinds of music from rap to rock and you can always find him listening to something.

  • played by jared followill • llyde @ shores • CST timezone, 18+ writer. • 3rd person, storybook, threading preferred. adult or ftb • original codingeditsedits